“We were too old to be the target demo and too young to be in the investing class, but also snotty and contrarian enough to be like, this is crazy. “We were perfectly situated to not care,” Kulash said.
For screenwriter Kristin Gore and OK Go musician Damian Kulash Jr., around college age at the time, it couldn’t have been less exciting. Personal feelings about or even knowledge about the Beanie Baby moment have everything to do with your age between the years of 19. But unlike most bubbles, this one ended with piles of under-stuffed animals in the attic.
When it burst, it also left many in the red. It made some people money, and the founder, Ty Warner, a billionaire in three years. tags, and given limited edition runs ignited a surreal frenzy in America in the mid-1990s as regular people collected, traded and sold the toys with the hopes that their value would just keep going up at the dawn of the e-commerce age. The cuddly $5 toys, understuffed for maximum hug-ability, stamped with cute names on their Ty, Inc. Economic bubbles come in all shapes, sizes and levels of insanity, but the Beanie Baby craze was easily one of the most absurd.